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Building Access

Have you been wrestling with the idea or need for door access control systems? Wondering what you should do? Seen some pretty fancy camera phones, but wish you had bigger eyes and ears on the front of your buildings? Explore a full-time surveillance camera system with network video recorder (NVR) and a VideoWall in you reception area. Couple that with a compatible telephone call box, and be in control.

I’ve enjoyed the licensing model, feature set, and abilities of the Panasonic Video Insight NVR and MonitorCast building access controls.

With four reception station, and five doors, setting up PBX hunt groups to telephone system integrated Viking Call boxes eases the distribution of visitor volume. Leveraging 43” TV’s to micro PC computers with Video Insight Video Wall every office maintains constant eyes in the entrances and the interior lobbies ensuring constant monitoring from every reception office of all entry areas. It works well, and surpasses the limitations of the dedicated door phones.

Build sound solutions for human interaction, avoid creating labor constraints that hit your bottom line harder when you really evaluate it.

Jeff Smith, Career Focus, Erie Times News

Jeff Smith, Career Focus, Erie Times News

Recently Jeff Smith, of Erie County Technical School and French Creek Technology was spotlighted in the Erie Times News, Information Technology Career Focus, compliments of CareerStreet.

“Directly out of Cambridge Springs Senior High School, Smith served in the United States Navy as an electronics technician for six years. While serving, he received a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for deploying a computer network. At that time, the Navy did not have a strategy for computer networks … full article”.


The personal Home Cloud

Recently I was asked by a family member if I would transfer data from an older computer, to their new laptop. For the first time this seemed strange to me. With the array of storage solutions in the market today how much data are we keeping on our personal computers.
I realize there were risks with portable disk drive solutions, but with the low cost of RAID NAS devices, the redundancy should preserve those fears. With our connectivity dependencies, and the cloud like software services in todays NAS devices, how far are we to this technology being a constant, like a smartphone?

Sure, public cloud solutions are robust, large, and largely platform independent. They also have more integration options, but we’ll always be limited by performance where we are online the most in our personal computing, home.

Sync you say? The reality of replication, is it often exceeds storage availability in our smartphones and tablets. I’ve had less that stellar success segregating the data I sync to each device purposefully. Music on my phone, photos on the tablet, web & PhotoShop files on my laptop.

What if the NAS was the primary target, it replicated with the public cloud, and every device supported on demand sync, to the NAS or public cloud, with granular replication options. Can this be done?

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

Your Technology the way YOU want IT.

Welcome to French Creek Technology.  We can help you realize the potential of your business with cost effective solutions. We create and deploy the solutions that you need. With an array of Information Technology expertise we empower your business and personal needs. We get it, you are on the go, your need IT to go with you!

We help you invest in your infrastructure, so you don’t have wonder if it will scale.   The resiliency of your systems are only as stable as those who design it.  With over 50 years of business experience, enterprise technology leadership, project management, marketing experience, and process automation accomplishments we can help you focus on your dreams with confidence.