Category: Uncategorized

WiFi Mesh Standard
I would say this a similar milestone to the adoption of MiMo in the 802.11 standards. I have implemented Mesh in several homes, small and large not as much for coverage demand, but density demand. I personally still prefer hard true wired access points, but sometimes Mesh is more cost effective. And if it goes standard, you could EasyMesh an off the shelf Access Point with your ISP provided wireless router.
Residential Fixed Wireless
I am embarking on a mission to bring better internet services to rural PA in our Northwestern region. It is clear that there is an opportunity, and dedicated willing parties, but there is a legal gap needing bridged to get the ball to the other side. This will take at least months, but I remain optimistic of the result. The days of no options need to end. For our small businesses, our students, and for every resident with a willingness to get connected and further their opportunities no matter what they are!
Support Northwest PA Businesses
With an impromptu invitation I attended a business networking event at RoadHouse 698 and “pitched”, for the first time ever, French Creek Technologies to a room filled with spirited and passionate entrepreneurs and trailblazers. It was great to see the energy and enthusiasm each individual shared for their story, passion, and visions. The success in the room was ripe, and the support for one another was galvanizing for everyone.
The evening was an affirmation for me that when I choose to commit myself to my consulting business more full time, the opportunity is fertile. The goodness of people in leadership roles is profound, and the thrill of working with extraordinary people very well may be everlasting!
Sadly, I had to check out promptly, rather than sick around and learn more about these amazing individuals I had just met. I had no idea what to expect nor realize it would run as late as it did, and I had to get back home.
Thank you Daniel J Smith Photography for the nudge! To learn more about Support NWPA Businesses visit them online of on Facebook Support-NWPA-Business.